Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Finally! I Can Steal the Cookie Jar....

Picture this... Dinner is over and a bag of cookies come out to play. One grown man is enticed to eat a cookie. I then tell him it's gluten free. When he says that he couldn't tell, the second grown man (ok I hang out with old men- kidding BOYS) took a cookie, ate it, and when I offered the first one a second cookie- I was asked by the host why I was giving away there cookies. Here's the kicker, if I can get away with cookies tasting like cookies- I will freely give them away. Especially when it is saving me the calories- these cookies, although amazing strike out at 150 calories a cookie and 8 grams of fat. So to you my Celiac friends I say this: Eat one cookie and then share your cookies with older men!

(ps these are sold by the yogurt section in Stews! a huge Nod to Stew Leonards!)


  1. Unfortunately these are no longer at Stew Leonards... I wrote a comment card discussing my disappointment in the way GF products come in and out of that store... so let's see what happens!
    In case you are looking for it:

  2. UPDATE: They are back... I guess Stew is correct when he says- the customer is always right! See what you get with a little love!
