Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Straight From the Farm...

Lately I have been obsessed with farmers markets, who isn't these days? With all the hormones and chemicals in our plants and meats- unless you are growing it or raising it... it ain't that good for you. That being said, my favorite farmers market has to be that of Westports. It is open on Thursdays 10-2 on Imperial Ave. (you have to get there early for the best picks!!!) Vegetables are amazing- of course- but they have EVERYTHING... not just the same thing you see weekly at each and every farmers market. From meats, to lettuce to cheese, these farmers know a good thing when they have it!

Last week one particular farm stuck out in my mind... Not only did they have all types of potatoes and eggplants that were red- I mean!!- they also sold soups. Riverbank Farm out of Roxbury, CT is as local and organic as they come. I treated myself to a container of their Potato and Celeriac Bisque with Parmesan, and I was very happy I did- even if it was $7... I kid you not when I say I am going back tomorrow for the bigger container (sold for $12). When I got to there booth everyone was buying there soups, already some were wiped off the board from being sold out, obviously I did not get there early enough... If everyone was buying it it had to be something great (the whispers about the butternut squash lead me to believe there might not be something better!!!). When I got home from the market, of course I was hungry, so I poured myself half a bowl. That bowl did not have seconds to cool down before the rest of the soup was in it. Creamy, flavorful, fresh- I can't put just words to what I put in my mouth.

If you have not been, this booth is reason enough to go... all the soups are made fresh, so go early, just not too early... I want some too!

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